Saturday, March 28, 2009

Amy Goodman

It's sickening to think that independent journalists in the U.S. are being arrested for simply doing their jobs. Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now! was arrested at the 2008 Republican National Convention for investigating the unwarranted arrests of two other Democracy Now! people.

Meanwhile, you'd never see these stories in the New York Times or on ABC News. Mainstream media just simply watch as independent journalists are mistreated, and it's disgusting. That's why more access is needed. Somebody has to protect dissenters. People should be allowed to disagree. That's why America is a democracy, so people don't have to be afraid to express opinions that may contradict the mainstream.

Finally, read a Q&A with Goodman at The Ithacan Online. Goodman will speak Tuesday at Ithaca's State Theatre.

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