Saturday, October 18, 2008

The gaffe is yours, TIME

The headline reads, "The Screwups of Campaign '08."

Granted, it appears to be only a small article, but it actually goes on far more than a couple of paragraphs. The one that I found is titled, "McCain's 'That One' Mess," but you can click "next" and follow a seemingly endless string of others.

Why is a news outlet like "Time" paying any attention to this? Perhaps I should be asking myself the same thing. But my job is to be a media watchdog and point out problems with political coverage.

What might be worse is what lines the righthand side of the page. Underneath a head that says, "A Barrel of Gaffes," there are links to more stories.

Here are a few of them.

"A Brief History of the Flag Lapel Pin"
"Gaffes Can Be Deceiving"
"Ranking the Candidates on MySpace"

I'm not going to provide hyperlinks, because I don't want you to waste your time reading this jibberish. This type of content has no place in real political coverage.

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